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switching to mtt was a great decision
  ShimShady411, Jan 09 2009

so i had decided to spend 2009 playing mtts more consistently. it has been a good month so far. just took down the 50r on tilt for $5700 nutshot came in 3rd he played good just i ran like god. if anyone can give me advice on where to improve my mtt stratgies let me know, id appreciate it. also credit goes to my donkey friend andrew song for making me playing the way i do. hopefully i continue to ship a few more in the next few weeks.

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Korean Fish!??!
  ShimShady411, Nov 28 2008

anyone else wondering where the korean LP fish avatar is for stars lotto?!?!
LP please put it up.

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Crazzy LHE Action at the borgata Atlantic City
  ShimShady411, Nov 28 2008

Whats good guys,

thanks to like the 4 people who welcomed me on LP on my first post.

So for some reason I am still playing 20/40 and 40/80 LHE at the borgata since I live in atlantic city. this weekend I realized how bad the limit games are in ac that i will go back to Live NLHE. Its just sick...

this past monday i ran a 20/40 session for 19 hours losing 600. Then i jumped in the 40/80 on monday, the game was short with 3 weak passive plyrs and i ran over the game picking up 3K. Of course the next day i run like shit. I mean shit!!! getting coolered all over the place.

I ran SO BAD that i really focking thought Ashton Kutcher was going to pop out and say you got PUNKED! anyways that session i lost 4k.

lost about another 1300 in the 20/40 game from wed to last night. didnt make it home for thanksgiving this year.

good thing is that i am finally getting internet for my new place and i can start my grind again at .50nl. tired of playing in the casinos.

Rather be masssing it online!!

does anyone actually grind up playing just limit holdem?? the variance is insane and i dont see many ppl in the casinos moving up. I swear there are people in the 20/40 that have been grinding for 20+ years. I dont want to be like them....
i need to find a way to improve and look for advancement oopportunities but i am new to all this and need serious direction! who wants to help!?

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